Recently we have got strange error in one of our projects when we upgraded it from Grails 1.2 M2 to Grails 1.2 M4.
After we did the upgrade we started getting java.lang.MissingMethodException for the domain class method calls.

Then it was determined by playing with grails console that the problem was limited to a single domain class. The source code file for it (say, MyDomainClass.groovy) looked like this:

class MyUtilityClass {
      // Some code here

class MyDomainClass {
      // Some code here

Well, it may be not the best idea to have two classes in the same source file, but that is a different question. Interesting thing is that it for some reason prevented Grails from adding the methods to MyDomainClass. And to resolve this issue very simple thing can be done — MyUtilityClass can be put in source file after MyDomainClass. That resolved problem for us.

Hopefully this post would be useful to someone with similar problem.

Shameless plug

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